How to construct the 36 hexagrams

We will use the 'Later Heaven' circle.
The task is simple: Match the trigrams to create hexagrams, but use each trigram pair only once.
Create pairs from the trigrams:

Combine each one with its first neighbor, then the second, etc.
And combine each one with its own mirror image, to create the great signs.
As a result, we will get the 36 hexagrams.
As an alternative method, we can get the same result using a static image of 3*8 trigrams, that's what I call the 'Pocket Zhouyi':
When we compare the results with the King Wen-sequence, we can see a new set of patterns: The 4 'core' hexagrams are placed symmetrical, and some of the pairs (3-4, 21-22, 23-24, 25-26, 29-30, 34-35) are paired in the King Wen-sequence too:
Interesting, isn't? I think this proves that the sequence was made with the help of the 'Later Heaven' circle. But something is still missing, we should find another principle. Maybe the inverse pairs?

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